Recently, I listed these "25 Random Things About Me" on Facebook. Thought I'd add some additional info and pictures.
1. The
1st time people visit my home, they come to see me. The
2nd time people visit my home, they come to see my dog, Lucy. She is a wonderful entertainer!

(Lucy modeling mom's handmade jewelry)
2. In 4th grade, I was awarded 1st place in the entire school district for coloring a picture promoting fire safety.
3. I prefer to sweep my house with a broom rather than vacuum. (The
best vacuum cleaner I've used is a Shark Roadster Euro-Pro. Inexpensive too.)
4. I have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and suffer with severe migraines for days after being in the presence of perfume/cologne, scented lotions, detergent, air fresheners, hairspray, synthetic chemicals and the like.
5. I love flying kites and always take my Crayola kite on vacation: The moving company said they'd never packed as many cookbooks as I had. I'm into raw food now. A good, easy cookbook is "Raw Food Made Easy".
7. In 2001, my monoprint entitiled "Mummy Dearest" was awarded 1st place in printmaking at ECC.
Mummy Dearestcopyright Susan Calvert
all rights reserved
8. For the last 8 yrs., I've done laundry in this fashion:
* Add 1 cup (plain) Arm & Hammer baking soda to washer bin
* Place clothes in washer by COLOR
* Fill softener cup with white vinegar
* Wash on hot
* Place a waded up piece of aluminum foil in dryer with clothes
Viola! Clean clothes, no static, less expensive, NO CHEMICALS.
9. I use organic unrefined coconut oil as my body moisturizer and in my hair for a new look. I cook with it too. NO CHEMICALS AGAIN!
10. I like modern, colorful, eclectic furniture from Axi:, Shoestring Creations: and Sticks:
11. I use my (prescribed) far infrared sauna from High Tech Health weekly to sweat out toxins:
My art has graced the pages of Animal Fair magazine twice:
http://www.animalfair.com13. I studied horticulture at 3 colleges and am a certified Master Gardener from the University of IL Cooperative Extension Service in Kane County, IL. I've physically installed our landscapes at our last 2 homes. I use a Neuton battery-operated mower to cut our lawn. Works great even on our hilly landscape and NO CHEMICAL FUMES!
http://www.neutonpower.com14. I feed my dog only
human food. Lucy loves veggies!
15. I am a self-entertaining individual with lots of projects. My favorite project in 2008 was my bathroom renovation: People are surprised at all the produce in my refrigerator, especially when they see the trays of live wheat grass growing. I juice it!

(click on picture & find the wheat grass)
17. I get bored easily. I start one project, another and another. Then I go back to the first project and complete it and so forth with the remaining projects I’ve started. Is this ADD? It drives my husband mad!
18. We open the windows whenever possible to refresh the air. I use essential oils and only
organic ones as air fresheners when necessary. Tea Tree oil has anti-bacterial properties that purify the air and kills germs and mold.
19. In 2003, my painting entitled
“Shortstop” was awarded 1st place-watercolors at the Contemporary Dog Art Competition held in NYC at Sardi’s Restaurant. The judges were Chris Jussel, past Senior Vice President at Sotheby’s and original host of the PBS television series, “Antique Roadshow”; Dr. Anne Imelda Radice, who serves on the art committee of the American Kennel Club and is past Curator of both the National Gallery of Arts and the U.S. Capitol; and Jane H. Willis, Instructor at New York University and President of the Appraisers Association of America. I'm very proud of this.

(L to R)
Judge Jane H. Willis
Susan Calvert with painting,
ShortstopJudge Chris Jussel

(Award-Winning Plaque)
20. I silly dance daily for a change of scenery. Silly dance = dancing to upbeat music with my dog, Lucy.
21. You will hardly find any processed food in my home. I make most everything from scratch. If you drop in unexpectedly, I’ll only be able to offer you H2O or tea. Once in a while, I indulge with a Green & Black’s Maya Gold chocolate bar. They’re the best!
22. I enjoy going to music concerts, especially at Chastain Amphitheater in Atlanta.
23. My home projects receive many compliments and inspire others to be creative.
24. I love hardware, office supply and art stores. Anything to get/keep me organized!
25. I have spent the last 8 yrs. learning about the effects chemicals have on our health: how the food we eat, products we place on our bodies and breathe affects our health. I have a library in my home on the subject. We are merely living test tubes!