"A new stamp is coming out the end of April called "Animal Rescue: Adopt A Shelter Pet Stamp" featuring shelter dogs and cats. The purpose of the stamp is to raise awareness to the millions of dogs and cats in shelters across the U.S. To launch the stamp Ellen DeGeneres is giving one million meals to shelters when people buy the stamps. The cost is the same as a regular stamp - 44 cents.
Money from these stamps is going to HSUS. Ellen has not been shy about her support of HSUS. Money given there will NOT go to animals in shelters. HSUS's 2008 tax returns revealed that less than 1/2 of 1 percent of their budget funds a traditional (dog/cat) shelter.
Money given to HSUS goes instead toward lobbying, anti-animal ownership legislation and attorneys.
Please DO NOT BUY these stamps and advise your friends to do the same."
My 'reply to all' in the email chain was:
"I am purchasing the stamps. While you may not agree on how the money is spent, it is still a good thing that it promotes adopting pets, many in desperate need of good homes. Several charities cannot return 100%. The mere fact that Ellen is giving money in return is good enough for me. She's an awesome individual.
Something doesn't sound quite right. I'd like backup research on this information you are circulating."
I promptly emailed the above to the Ellen Show. In the meantime, I received the following reply from the sender:
"People really need to start thinking for themselves instead of following the hapless Hollywood types. My suggestion, read the entire story http://ofbf.org/news-and-events/news/707 and make up your own mind. As far as I'm concerned I support the local no-kill shelter directly. I really don't need Ellen to misguide me."
To which I replied:
"I don't see anything in your link about Ellen's stamps.
I found these articles on the stamp which do not say anything about HSUS:
In conclusion, to EVERYONE reading this blog:
Help me out here. Please leave a comment on this post and spread the word like myself and the "hapless" Ellen DeGeneres are doing. The lives of shelter pets depend on us.
PS: Purchase your Adopt a Shelter Pet stamp here to show your support.
Either way, HSUS Gets Paid
wairanonEither Way, HSUS Gets the Money
Thanks, Susan, for addressing this issue so calmly and rationally. The "Adopt A Shelter Pet" stamp is an awareness stamp only -- it doesn't raise funds for the HSUS or local shelters. The benefit for shelters is in the donation of pet food from Ellen Degeneres' company "Halo, Purely for Pets". You can order stamps by visiting stampstotherescue.com. Ellen is a great friend to animals, and as you note, shelter animals need all the promotion they can get.