We are so fortunate to have Lucy as part of our family. She is a gentle reminder of living in the moment, unconditional love and plain old-fashioned fun.
This morning, upon awaking, we wished her a happy birthday, fed her a healthy brunch of sugar snap peas, eggs and perch. Then we loaded up the vehicle for a road trip. Yee-ha!
First stop, Pet Supermarket to purchase another "baby" (doggy toy) to add to Lucy's collection of what seems like 100 already. (The washer gets filled to the top on wash day and Lucy lays beside it the entire cycle.) Lucy loves her new baby. (*squeak*, *squeak*)
After(*squeak*, *squeak*), we took her (*squeak*, *squeak*) to Oregon Park in Marietta. (*squeak*, *squeak*, *squeak*, *squeak*--all the way there--ha!)
One other vehicle was parked when we arrived. Of course, we picked the parking space where someone dumped french fries out on the ground. Lucy had a feeding frenzy! Daddy had a shit-fit trying to pull her away from the greasy food. He didn't want her having her own shit-fit in the vehicle on the way home!
We had a leisurely stroll through the park. Lucy was busy sniffing away at all the scents and marking along the way. Towards the end of our outing, we took some photos.
Here are Steve and Lucy in front of the port-o-potty, one of Lucy's favorite sniffing spots and a perennial favorite place of Steve's too :)

We ladies were quite the fashion divas today. Lucy wore her pink bandanna scarf with hearts on it to match her pink collar and heart-shaped charms hanging from it. I wore my chipmunk hat to impress her and Steve.

Lucy was more impressed with my hat as she kept trying to play with it. I'm sure she thought "Ah, another baby for me". Steve just chuckled at us.
After play time, we took Lucy for a doggy sundae at Brusters Real Ice Cream--a sweet treat to celebrate our Sweetie! Happy Birthday, Lucy. (*squeak*, *squeak*)
Sounds like Lucy had a wonderful day! I hope your birthday is just as wonder but maybe with less squeaking. ;)
ReplyDeleteLove the hat, btw. :D
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the hat doesn't *squeak* *squeak*. We'd have a field day if it did!