The last quarter of 2009 was a bit surreal. My husband was in and out of the hospital four times. He's doing better. A big "THANK YOU" to all of our family and friends for your support during his health crises.
Recently in 2010, a good friend of ours ill with cancer passed away. We were truly saddened by the event. Like me, she was a gardener who loved to watch the flowers open and smile. In honor of her life, we sent her family a cross with my favorite saying on it: "One is nearer to God in the garden than anywhere else on earth." RIP, Karla.
To combat the stress of the past six months, I started exercising. Specifically, participating in 5K races. Of course, my little super dog, Lucy, has been training with me.

Here's a picture of me and Lucy on our way to train in the 'hood. Lucy is wearing her harness so we don't damage her trachea should she get spirited and pull upon seeing another pooch.
I'm being fashion-forward wearing a Dr. Suess Who-ville hat. I always receive positive comments when wearing crazy hats. They make people laugh.
I love hats. If you want to give me a gift, send me a funky hat. I promise to send you a smiling picture sporting your gift. LOL!